WHO ARE WE? We are a small independent privately owned facility in Arroyo Grande, CA. where we engage in Lunar, Planetary research and study with our 6-inch F/12 refracting telescope.

WHO IS GEORGE H. LUTZ? Mr. Lutz was a very well known astronomer and telescope builder in the 1920s-30s. Mr. Lutz was involved with professor Ritchey in the early stages of design and construction of the Ritchey Cretien reflecting telescope system which is widely used today.

In addition to his work with professor Ritchey, Mr. Lutz designed and built a 36-inch reflecting telescope incorporating an optical coasting of his own  design which was featured at the 1939 World's Fair in Chicago, IL. Mr. Lutz also wrote a book "Marvels of the Universe" 1938

DO YOU HAVE ANY PLANS FOR THE FUTURE? Yes like many observatories we always have plans to expand our facilities along with being very active in the astronomy community. We are an active member of several astronomy forums along with our activities at both Facebook and MySpace. 

(c.) GHLOF 1998, GHLO 1998 k




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