We are really happy to announce that we have just acquired our Zeiss astronomical eyepiece. It is a 16mm and with our Dakin barlow it will give us hours of viewing pleasure. The heritage of Zeiss for astronomical instruments is well known. We hope to establish a collection of the aus jena oculars. WOW! what images we saw through it of Saturn. We love the Brandon eyepieces from Vernonscope&CO but one can really see the difference with observing with a Zeiss ocular. Well, we'll be starting our collection.
Loron Knowlen, Resident Astronomer G. H. LUTZ OBSERVATORY
Here is another gem we just acquired, a 10mm Carl Zeiss Jena ocular. Lunar & Planetary just beautiful.
More Zeiss eyepieces completing our set. Featured 25mm H and 4mm Orthoscopic.